50-words Practice Site
Our good friend Roger Dunham is a really clever dancer who has made us a practice site to try out our 'stories'. On your phone or computer go to https://rum-morris.site/ Follow the instructions to write 50 words. You can edit with/without your advisor and upload a picture. Try it now!
Roger and Peter.jpeg
50-words Practice Site
Tasman, South Island,
New Zealand
Wed Dec 29 2021 06:09:05 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

50-words Practice Site
Our good friend Roger Dunham is a really clever dancer who has made us a practice site to try out our 'stories'. On your phone or computer go to https://ess-practice.rum-morris.site/ Follow the instructions to write 50 words. You can edit with/without your advisor and upload a picture. Try it now!
Roger and Peter.jpeg
50-words Practice Site
Tasman, South Island,
New Zealand
Wed Dec 29 2021 06:09:05 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)