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Rainy season is over
The rainy season has ended and it has become real summer. The sounds of summer insects and summer birds singing, seasonal flowers, refreshing meals, a gathering of people, and big laughter. People come and go in the distance, going to meet the people they ought to or want to see.
Rainy season is over
Fujimi's WE and ELF class
Kanazawa, Japan
Sat Jul 22 2023 08:03:36 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)

Japanese English education
To study English is very difficult for Japanese people because we need to understand other cultures, and get high scores in exam. For Japanese students, it is little like an obligation to study a foreign language. I don't like this culture of study in Japan. We ought to change this.
Japanese English education
Fujimi Tanaka
Sat Jun 18 2022 04:02:34 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)

Keza Macdonald, on the BBC Radio 4 program 'Origins of the Metaverse'
Keza Macdonald, Archive on 4, explains: 'There are people who live in areas of the world where they can't express themselves for whatever reasons and virtual worlds can be a place where they can actually be themselves, in fact more authentically than they can in the real world.'
Keza Mcdonald on origina of the metaverse.jpeg
Keza Macdonald, on the BBC Radio 4 program 'Origins of the Metaverse'
In association with Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Thu Mar 17 2022 07:28:25 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

50 to 2000 words in the L-Shaped Room
In the novel 'the L-shaped Room' by Lynne Reid Banks which examines the stigma of unmarried pregnancy in pre-pill, pre-Abortion Act Britain, the character Toby is determined to write just fifty words in order to kickstart his career as a writer. He accomplished this and ended up writing 2000 words.
50 to 2000 words in the L-Shaped Room
In association with Global Business Communication Japan
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Sun Mar 13 2022 10:51:25 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

eggs are fun
;k; ;lk;k; ;k;lk;lk;k ;lkk;k ;kllk ;lklk;l k;lk;lk ;lk;lk; kkk kk kkkkkkk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
eggs are fun
Zayed university
Fri Mar 04 2022 14:48:30 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

'Less Is More in College Students' Writing in Jordan
Celine Kamhieh (2020: 56) describes how Jordanian students were introduced to academic writing at university through ESSs. She found that focusing on quality not quantity helped university students to gain a firm foundation in writing, minimise error, become more confident and motivated and discover agency and their voice as writers.
'Less Is More in College Students' Writing in Jordan
In association with Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Fri Mar 04 2022 09:51:08 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Studies of ESS themes composed in the UAE & Japan: Matsubara (2016), and Alzeer & Amin (2020)
Matsubara (2016), explains corpora comprising ESSs may be used to compare lives of students living in very different countries, UAE and Japan. Alzeer & Amin (2020), examine deep implications of ESSs from UAE to uncover themes defining self and women to isolation, love, disappointment, dreams, rebellion, identity loss, and modernity.
Studies of ESS themes composed in the UAE & Japan: Matsubara (2016), and Alzeer & Amin (2020)
In association with Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Fri Mar 04 2022 08:07:39 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Explorations into ESS Pedagogy and Growing ESS Corpora
Honna & Takeshita (2014, pp. 73-76) are optimistic about a pedagogy surrounding ESSs which provides ‘a ripple of hope in ELT’ since this focuses on English as a self-expressive language. Amin & Hassall (forthcoming), recommend compiling ESS corpora created by students from different cultures as a resource for further research.
Explorations into ESS Pedagogy and Growing ESS Corpora
In association with Global Business Communication Japan
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Fri Mar 04 2022 06:18:16 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Patricia Ryan ABU-WARDEH: Using the Extremely Short Story to Teach Language
Abu-Wardeh (2006: 80), provides model ESSs, from her own reading and life-experience, for her Arabic-using students to emulate. She suggests: "The difficulty of achieving the narrative in the fifty-word limit results in truly authentic grammar dicussions, a world away from the disembodied and meaningless exercises that usually accompany grammar lessons."
Patricia Ryan ABU-WARDEH: Using the Extremely Short Story to Teach Language
In association with Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Fri Mar 04 2022 04:51:28 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Professor Nobuyuki Honna invites everyone to join ESSC in 50 words.とは:
In writing an Extremely Short Story, all you have to do is to say what you think and what you feel in whatever English you have at command. You will be surprised how imaginative and creative you can be in this endeavor. You are working on your “new” you. Congratulations!
Professor Nobuyuki Honna invites everyone to join ESSC in 50 words.とは:
In association with Global Business Communication Japan
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Fri Mar 04 2022 02:58:32 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ):
People around the world use a variety of Englishes that are unique to each country, and the Japanese "Japanese English" is one example. GBCJ considers this view of English to be extremely important for Japanese companies to expand their business globally, and will develop four business strategies including the ESSC.
GBCJ 1.png
Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ):
In association with Global Business Communication Japan
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Fri Mar 04 2022 02:36:40 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Procedure for using this 50-word ESS APP:
1. Student-authors login to 2. Student-authors respond to teacher's stimulus and manipulate their meanings to write exactly 50 words on and SUBMIT 3. Teacher helps negotiate meaning and EDIT from MY STORIES 4. Teacher displays ESS prominently (print or online) 5. Contact for your dedicated site develpment
Procedure for using this 50-word ESS APP:
In association with Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Fri Mar 04 2022 00:09:27 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

The 50-word Extremely Short Story (ESS) APP: Benefits for Language Teachers
The 50-word ESS APP at provides a strictly constrained egalitarian discourse arena which forces students to manipulate chunks of their individual creative writing to fulfill the exact 50-word requirement prior to submission. This uses students' real-time mental processing, emphasizes language choice, minimises plagiarism and is suitable for virtual classrooms.
The 50-word Extremely Short Story (ESS) APP: Benefits for Language Teachers
In association with Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Thu Mar 03 2022 23:20:06 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

EXACTLY 50 words
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Paua Shell from the sea where I live.jpeg
EXACTLY 50 words
In association with Global Business Communication Japan
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Thu Mar 03 2022 06:06:43 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

A Thousand Words
An Extremely Short Story [ESS] is 50 words long. How can you go wrong! You can choose any topic and write ‘fact or fiction; poetry or prose'. Also ask your advisor for help and support to become a new 50-word expert! Remember: ‘a picture is worth 1,000 words'! Just try!
A Thousand Words
In association with Global Business Communication Japan
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Thu Mar 03 2022 05:59:21 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

First or last?
If you are eating a meal, do you eat your favorite food first or last? Some people eat the food they like most first. I suppose they feel they should eat it before it disappears. Others leave their favorite food to last because it leaves them with a good taste.
Question mark victor borge.png
First or last?
In association with Global Business Communication Japan
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Wed Mar 02 2022 07:25:42 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

'Cognitive Signalling:' Victor Borge's "Phonetic Punctuation"
Victor Borge uses sounds made with his mouth and lips accompanied by hand gestures to portray various punctuation marks in stories. Mime, gestures, signing and sounds, such as Borge's "Phonetic Punctuation" comprise 'cognitive signalling' which requires students-clients to activate their own Linguistic resources to determine appropriate language items and order.
Victor Borge Phonetic Punctuation.png
'Cognitive Signalling:' Victor Borge's "Phonetic Punctuation"
In association with Global Business Communication Japan
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Mon Feb 28 2022 05:29:25 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Feedback via 'cognitive signalling' for language teachers and cats
Teachers using, what we term 'cognitive signalling' - non-verbal gestures and signs increases focus on language to provide feedback. Counting numbers of letters on fingers and giving hints about initial, final or middle letters by signing can make words memorable. This Facebook cat is signing 'hungry' to the deaf man.
Cat signing 'hungry'  with deaf man.png
Feedback via 'cognitive signalling' for language teachers and cats
In association with Global Business Communication Japan
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Mon Feb 28 2022 04:32:38 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Teaching on-line during the COVID pandemic
Teachers may have experienced looking at blank computer screens and listening to ethereal, inhibited voices of students on-line. Alternatively, "Half the class comes and the other half are online; then next week they swap." Instructors can exploit such classes to produce on-line environments which prioritise human connection through 'cognitive singnalling.'
Teacher on computer Image 2022-02-28.jpeg
Teaching on-line during the COVID pandemic
In association with Global Business Communication Japan
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Mon Feb 28 2022 02:42:22 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

'Facets of Emirati Women' Japanese-English (2011) and English-Arabic (2015)
'Facets of Emirati Women' was authored by university students throughout the UAE. Professors Yuko Takeshita and Fujimi Sakai Tanaka translated the stories into Japanese (2011). This Japanese edition was the inspiration for the English-Arabic edition translated by Professor Omnia Amin (2015). These influential ESSC volumes are both e-books on Amazon.
Facets of Emirati Waomen Japanese & Arabic.jpeg
'Facets of Emirati Women' Japanese-English (2011) and English-Arabic (2015)
In association with Global Business Communication Japan
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Sun Feb 27 2022 13:40:57 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

The 50-word Extremely Short Story Competition in Japan 2006-2012 (JAFAE)
'Emiratia' (2006), authored by Zayed University students, is available in UAE bookshops. It was given a Japanese introduction by JAFAE and republished in Japan as a guidebook to the ESSC. 'ESSC in Japan' was published by JAFAE (2010) and includes English ESSs by Japanese students translated into Japanese, on Amazon.
ESSC Japan.jpeg
The 50-word Extremely Short Story Competition in Japan 2006-2012 (JAFAE)
In association with Global Business Communication Japan
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Sun Feb 27 2022 13:03:40 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Origins of the Extremely Short Story Competition for non-native users of English in UAE & Japan
Inspiration for the Extremely Short Story Competition [ESSC] in the UAE (2003) and Japan (2006) was provided by 50-word short stories read out by Brian Edwards on Radio New Zealand (1997) and afterwards published as a book; and also 50-word stories collected by Brian Aldiss with the Daily Telegraph (2001).
Inspiration for the ESSC.jpeg
Origins of the Extremely Short Story Competition for non-native users of English in UAE & Japan
In association with Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Sun Feb 27 2022 12:38:51 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Getting their own back. WWII style
National hero but not a nice man .Landladies six girls have had enough.Knowing his bath night lay in wait.Always runs across the landing wrapped only in a towel.Raid his bedroom ,remove every pair of trousers.Much giggling , downstairs and out to the garden hanging each one on the washing line
Getting their own back. WWII style
Hassall House
La France Profonde
Fri Feb 25 2022 18:13:08 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Practice Writing Extremely Short Stories with this APP
This APP can be freely used by teachers-advisors for their students-clients to practice writing 50-word Extremely Short Stories [ESSs]. It is NOT linked to a competition; however, ESSs are archived for viewing and authors can edit their own ESSs. Using this APP will be explained at the online conference:
Practice Writing Extremely Short Stories with this APP
In association with Global Business Communication Japan
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Sun Feb 20 2022 09:44:36 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

‘Tis the season..
If you go up in the woods today, better be brightly dressed. It's Sunday, the chasse is out with guns, dogs and horn. Hear them shout,,dogs baying, guns firing. Boar, deer and game birds in flight. Hope they see you. Camaflouage is not a good idea, you might be shot!
‘Tis the season..
Hassall House
La France Profonde
Thu Feb 17 2022 12:08:57 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

‘Tis the season..
If you go up in the woods today, better be brightly dressed. It's Sunday, the chasse is out with guns, dogs and horn. Hear them shout,,dogs baying, guns firing. Boar, deer and game birds in flight. Hope they see you. Camaflouage is not a good idea, you might be shot!
‘Tis the season..
Hassall House
La France Profonde
Thu Feb 17 2022 12:08:57 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Melissa Harrison writes short passages and then puts these together to produce novels
On the radio program 'Ramblings' (13/02/2022), the walker and writer Melissa Wilkinson explained how she loves to ramble over hills. She authored a book about words for different kinds of weather in Britain. She also wrote very short descriptions of people and has joined these together to produce a novel.
Melisa Harrison Nature Writer.jpeg
Melissa Harrison writes short passages and then puts these together to produce novels
Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Thu Feb 17 2022 02:08:06 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Kiwi Kin
Great Aunt Bessie was a nurse and loved a 'Kiwi' who proposed but father refused permission. With her sisters' help she got out the bedroom window with a suitcase and took a boat from Liverpool to NZ. She arrived penniless to find he was already married to a sheep farmer.
Kiwi Kin
Hassall House
La France Profonde
Wed Feb 16 2022 17:39:04 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Mystery at Monteray
Deserted church ruins on a hilltop in tropical midday heat. The woman is feeling faint but the small girl is running round the propped grave stones. She hears the rustle of long dresses and whispered conversations.Small girl runs up to her asking who they are,who are the pretty women.Dizzy descent
Mystery at Monteray
Hassall House
La France Profonde
Wed Feb 16 2022 02:00:19 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Mystery at Monteray
Deserted church ruins on a hilltop in tropical midday heat. The woman is feeling faint but the small girl is running round the propped grave stones. She hears the rustle of long dresses and whispered conversations.Small girl runs up to her asking who they are,who are the pretty women.Dizzy descent
Mystery at Monteray
Hassall House
La France Profonde
Wed Feb 16 2022 02:00:19 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Mystery at Monteray
Deserted church ruins on a hilltop in tropical midday heat. The woman is feeling faint but a small girl runs round the propped grave stones. She hears rustle of long dresses and whispered conversations. Girl runs up to her asking who they are, "who are the pretty women?" Dizzy descent.
Mystery at Monteray
Hassall House
La France Profonde
Wed Feb 16 2022 02:00:19 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Mountain of Work
Today can be best described as full speed ahead. Not in the direction I had intended but sometimes life happens that way. Questions were coming at me from eight different people, each of whom are equally important. How to prioritise? Today I chose, shortest job gets done first. Sometimes works.
Mountain of Work
Dr Dunham
Tue Feb 15 2022 20:01:51 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

A Dummy Story
50 Word dummy content. Face masks are becoming an environmental concern in New Zealand, littering streets and parks and ending up in the ocean. Washing and reusing a disposable face mask up to 10 times will still give better protection than a homemade mask, says a Kiwi infectious disease expert.
A Dummy Story
The Dummies
Tue Feb 15 2022 07:01:22 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Mountain of Work
Today can be best described as full speed ahead. Not in the direction I had intended but sometimes life happens that way. Questions were coming at me from eight different people, each of whom are equally important. How to priorities? Today I chose, shortest job gets done first. Sometimes works.
Mountain of Work
Dr Dunham
Tue Feb 15 2022 06:55:40 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Hundreds lying in perfect formation, riding the thermals making a haunting noise with their wings, heading north now. Their message is Spring is coming as they dance in patterns across the sky long necks stretched heading for their breeding grounds and lifting the spirits of the grey people below .
La France Profonde
Sat Feb 12 2022 18:48:41 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Hundreds lying in perfect formation, riding the thermals making a haunting noise with their wings, heading North now. Their message is Spring is coming as they dance in patterns across the sky. Long necks stretched out heading for their breeding grounds and lifting the spirits of the grey people below.
La France Profonde
Sat Feb 12 2022 18:48:41 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Now I'm about to start vacuuming the house
Yesterday, I didn't write any fifty-word stories at all. I got up very early and played my tin whistle and then went to get my haircut and beard trimmed. My hair is quite short, but my beard always grows quickly. The hairdresser refused to trim my beard because of COVID.
WhatsApp Image 2022-02-09 at 9.08.08 AM.jpeg
Now I'm about to start vacuuming the house
Rainbow Unicorn Morris (RUM)
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Tue Feb 08 2022 22:10:12 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Twist djfjd akchd jshd ja FN's and end f d s fnfnrme s gnfnsnf FN's gnfnsnf r d d d gå f d gå b s s r g s g h s s h h h h h g s f g f d f d f do f
Thu Feb 03 2022 06:19:02 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Sea Urchin
If you ask me what I want to eat I would reply "sushi" and among the various kinds of sushi, my best piece is sea urchin. So I would like to leave it as the last piece to enjoy. When I come to this final stage I am satiated, alas!
Sea Urchin
Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Tokyo, Japan
Fri Jan 28 2022 06:05:32 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

You might like your GBCJ advisor to help you with some of these ideas
It is most important to have fun when you write an ESS. However, you might also find it helpful to have advice about: sentences including questions, negatives and connecting them; punctuation and paragraph organisation; hedging and reference. Don't forget you can use poetry including rhyme, rhythm and stream of consciousness.
You might like your GBCJ advisor to help you with some of these ideas
Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Tue Jan 25 2022 10:24:38 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Teaching Writing with ESS
Rinvolucri (2005) suggests the optimal time for somebody to learn a new word is when she needs it to express herself. A similar strategy is also applicable to grammar. When clients WANT to write in English they should be helped with mechanics like art teachers help with line and shading.
Teaching Writing with ESS
Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Mon Jan 24 2022 09:20:41 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Dynamic Effective Writing
According to Strunk & White (2000, p.10), "Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences ... This requires not that the writer make all sentences short ... but that every word tell." This is the challenge to produce short, pithy, meaningful writing.
Dynamic Effective Writing
Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Mon Jan 24 2022 08:56:45 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Benefits which accrue from writing 50-word stories
ESS are fun when writing them in a warm, supportive environment with the advisor acting as a friendly dictionary and helpful grammar book. Writing ESS can help clients develop their own authentic writing voice and personal style. Writers and readers become closer when ESS are displayed in print and on-line.
Benefits which accrue from writing 50-word stories
Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Sun Jan 23 2022 23:39:24 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Benefits which accrue from writing 50-word stories
ESS are fun when writing them in a warm, supportive environment with the advisor acting as a friendly dictionary and helpful grammar book. Writing ESS can help clients develop their own authentic writing voice and personal style. Writers and readers become closer when ESS are displayed in print and on-line.
Benefits which accrue from writing 50-word stories
Global Business Communication Japan (GBCJ)
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
Sun Jan 23 2022 23:39:24 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Common Themes for Extremely Short Stories written by University students in Jordan
According to Kamhieh (2020), ithe most frequently used themes in the writing of 50-word stories by Jordanian University students include: difficult issues and how to solve them; national and international travel; the life of university students; incidents involving family and friends. Kamhieh studied ESS as a prelude to university writing.
Common Themes for Extremely Short Stories written by University students in Jordan
American University of Madaba, Jordan
The Middle East
Wed Jan 19 2022 06:29:11 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Common Themes for Extremely Short Stories written by University students in Jordan
According to Kamhieh (2020), ithe most frequently used themes in the writing of 50-word stories by Jordanian University students include: difficult issues and how to solve them; national and international travel; the life of university students; incidents involving family and friends. Kamhieh studied ESS as a prelude to university writing.
Common Themes for Extremely Short Stories written by University students in Jordan
American University of Madaba, Jordan
The Middle East
Wed Jan 19 2022 06:29:11 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Common Themes for Extremely Short Stories written by University students in Jordan
According to Kamhieh (2020), the most frequently used themes in the writing of 50-word stories by Jordanian University students include: difficult issues and how to solve them; national and international travel; life of university students; and incidents involving family or friends. Kamhieh studied ESS as a prelude to university writing.
Common Themes for Extremely Short Stories written by University students in Jordan
American University of Madaba, Jordan
The Middle East
Wed Jan 19 2022 06:29:11 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Common Themes for Extremely Short Stories written by University students in Jordan
According to Kamhieh (2020), the most frequently used themes in the writing of 50-word stories by Jordanian University students include: difficult issues and how to solve them; national and international travel; life of university students; and ncidents involving family or friends. Kamhieh studied ESS as a prelude to university writing.
Common Themes for Extremely Short Stories written by University students in Jordan
American University of Madaba, Jordan
The Middle East
Wed Jan 19 2022 06:29:11 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Common Themes for Extremely Short Stories written by University students in Jordan
According to Kamhieh (2020), the most frequently used themes in the writing of 50-word stories by Jordanian University students include: difficult issues and how to solve them; national and international travel; life of university students; and incidents involving family or friends. Kamhieh studied ESS as a prelude to university writing.
Common Themes for Extremely Short Stories written by University students in Jordan
American University of Madaba, Jordan
The Middle East
Wed Jan 19 2022 06:29:11 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

What it appears we do
Morris Dancer.jpeg
What it appears we do
possibly rum
possibly new zealand
Mon Jan 03 2022 10:43:25 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Young kazoo-ers
There is nothing quite like Morris-Folk-Kazoo fusion with friends next to the water towards the end of the day and the year. The mixing of fiddle, accordion, guitar, penny whistle with young musicians buzzing on kazoo is fresh as the wind in your hair. Times like this will live on.
Morris-Folk-Kazoo Fusion.png
Young kazoo-ers
Tasman, South Island,
New Zealand
Sun Jan 02 2022 12:14:09 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

50-words Practice Site
Our good friend Roger Dunham is a really clever dancer who has made us a practice site to try out our 'stories'. On your phone or computer go to Follow the instructions to write 50 words. You can edit with/without your advisor and upload a picture. Try it now!
Roger and Peter.jpeg
50-words Practice Site
Tasman, South Island,
New Zealand
Wed Dec 29 2021 06:09:05 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

50-words Practice Site
Our good friend Roger Dunham is a really clever dancer who has made us a practice site to try out our 'stories'. On your phone or computer go to Follow the instructions to write 50 words. You can edit with/without your advisor and upload a picture. Try it now!
Roger and Peter.jpeg
50-words Practice Site
Tasman, South Island,
New Zealand
Wed Dec 29 2021 06:09:05 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Bio Data for Peter John Hassall
Peter has lectured in universities in the Middle East, SE Asia and the Pacific. He originated the Extremely Short Story Competition at Zayed University, Dubai, and it was imported into Japan by Professor Nobuyuki Honna. His ideas have won awards presented at Buckingham Palace. His publications are available at
Peter John Hassall, New Zealand.jpeg
Bio Data for Peter John Hassall
Tasman, South Island, New Zealand
New Zealand
Wed Dec 29 2021 00:43:34 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

My Bio Data: Peter John Hassall
I have lectured in universities in the Middle East, SE Asia and the Pacific. I originated the Extremely Short Story Competition at Zayed University, Dubai, and it was imported into Japan by Professor Nobuyuki Honna. My ideas have won awards presented at Buckingham Palace. My publications are available at
Peter John Hassall, New Zealand.jpeg
My Bio Data: Peter John Hassall
New Zealand
Wed Dec 29 2021 00:39:09 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

A real headache!
Clashing of sticks, ringing of bells and discordant grating of out-of-tune accordions can ruin calm contemplation on a beautiful serene day, dreaming of little fishes gliding soundlessly under the bridge. But, for morris dancers, what is more invigorating than dancing in the open air without a care in the world?
Morris Dance by Munch.jpeg
A real headache!
Rainbow Unicorn Morris (RUM)
Moutere, Tasman, NZ
Tue Dec 28 2021 06:40:01 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

With pictures
This website is gradually coming together. It is a challenge - but I am learning - async, await, and file path handling within Node. Today I managed to get to the point where it should be possible to add an image. It works on my home machine. Is that enough?
With pictures
Tue Dec 28 2021 02:57:20 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

An Extremely Small Plum Pudding
Writing a 50-word short story is like making an extremely small plum pudding for Xmas. You still need to use all the different ingredients and check that it tastes good. Before it's served ask yourself again and again: 'Is it really delicious?' But remember to leave a morsel for guests.
An extremly small plum pudding and a morsel of it.jpeg
An Extremely Small Plum Pudding
Tue Dec 21 2021 10:42:41 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Mark is clearly bored
Mark was clearly bored at the office. It was a hot day and Roger had just given him a new toy to play with. Today has been an utterly pointless day with 100% meetings and wasted time. Mark thought about doing some work but watched YouTube instead. Last three words.
Mark is clearly bored
Tue Dec 21 2021 07:28:39 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Mark is clearly bored
Mark was clearly bored at the office. It was a hot day and Roger had just given him a new toy to play with. Today has been an utterly pointless day with 100% meetings and wasted time. Mark thought about doing some work but watched YouTube instead. Last three words.
Mark is clearly bored
Tue Dec 21 2021 07:28:39 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

I went into a bookstore near the station. Inside the shop, I came across an old friend. At first, I just couldn't remember what his name was, but I felt sure that I recognised his big brown eyes. Staring at his eyes, I suddenly remembered that his name was 'Jon'.
Tue Dec 21 2021 07:28:39 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

To NZ #26
Your daughter arrived home from America. You could have gone to four events that day. You felt fine. But. You thought. Is it wise to go out? You stayed at home and that made all the difference. A nation thanks you number twenty six. You thought, You acted, Thank You.
To NZ #26
Tue Dec 21 2021 07:28:39 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Once upon a time
"Once Upon a Time" is an American fantasy adventure drama television series that aired for seven seasons on ABC from October 23, 2011 to May 18, 2018. The action alternates between two main settings: a fantastical world where fairy tales happen; and a fictional seaside town in Maine called Storybrooke.
Once upon a time
Tue Dec 21 2021 07:28:39 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Once upon a time
"Once Upon a Time" is an American fantasy adventure drama television series that aired for seven seasons on ABC from October 23, 2011 to May 18, 2018. The action alternates between two main settings: a fantastical world where fairy tales happen; and a fictional seaside town in Maine called Storybrooke.
Once upon a time
Tue Dec 21 2021 07:28:39 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

Once upon a time
Once Upon a Time is an American fantasy adventure drama television series that aired for seven seasons on ABC from October 23, 2011 to May 18, 2018. The action alternates between two main settings: a fantastical world where fairy tales happen; and a fictional seaside town in Maine called Storybrooke.
Once upon a time
Tue Dec 21 2021 07:28:39 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

There are many words that can be used to describe my wonderful wife. She is clever, witty, attentive, and quite likely to bring me coffee in bed. She also walks the dog late at night and drives me home from the pub. What a complete and absolute star she is.
Tue Dec 21 2021 07:28:39 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

My Significant Person
There are many words that can be used to describe my wonderful wife. She is clever, witty, attentive, and quite likely to bring me coffee in bed. She also walks the dog late at night and drives me home from the pub. What an awesome and absolute star she is.
My Significant Person
Tue Dec 21 2021 07:28:39 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)